Reading Around Town: Nicole McGrew

Welcome back to the blog! Today we’re excited to share the first Reading Around Town feature from our new home. We cannot wait to connect with more of our friends and neighbors and share their stories. Please give a warm welcome to Nicole McGrew of Threadleaf!



Nicole McGrew

Any social media handles you'd like to plug:

Instagram: @threadleaf

Old Town, Alexandria Affiliation (Resident, business owner, etc.):

Alexandria resident and owner of Threadleaf, in Old Town

Please share your occupation - it could be your day job or side hustle, your passion or survival gig; whatever work contributes most to your reading life/self.

I own Threadleaf, an independent boutique focused on sustainably and ethically-made clothing, accessories and home goods. We also host events, like our Virtual Town Hall held this past September and a Zoom event with one of our designers in Japan. Right now, I'm expanding the gardening section and thinking about other ways people can connect, and so have been reading a lot of gardening and business books, in addition to my fiction reading.


What's one book you think that every person should read and why?

That's really tough. If I had to pick just one, though, it would be All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis. It's an anthology that offers solutions for tackling climate change that leaves you feeling empowered not overwhelmed.

What sort of reader are you? What are your favorite genres, ideal reading location, etc.?

I'm a voracious readers, with a wide range of interests. I was history major in college, so lots of non-fiction, but also historical fiction. I've also rediscovered sci-fi and fantasy and have been reading a fair amount in that realm. And, then all of my design and gardening books -- our house is just full of books. I have some near my bed, for night time reading and others near the couch, for when I'm lucky enough to have time in the afternoon. If a book is really good, though, it doesn't matter where are you because it will transport you.


What's the best book you've read in the past year? What sort of impact did it have on you as a reader?

If we're starting from 2021, then it's World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil. It's just beautifully written from beginning to end, and completely upends the idea of a book fitting in one neat little genre. I do have to give a shout-out to The City We Became though, my absolute favorite from 2020.

Why do you love indie bookstores?

The people, the discovery, the community. I love being able to browse through books and find something I didn't know I was looking for.


What sort of programming would you love to see from Old Town Books in the future?

I love the challenges, the book clubs and the author events -- keep 'em coming!

Any else you'd like to share?

Thanks for inviting me to share!

Blog and photo contributions by Nicole McGrew.
Edited by Shannon McCarthy.