Living the Fantasy w/ Sci-Fi Book Club

Welcome back to the blog! Earlier this month we heard from OTB’s resident romance consultants Kristen and Danielle. Today we’re diving in fantasy and sci-fi with sometimes-bookseller Kim. Enjoy!


Please briefly introduce yourself. What's your relation to OTB?

Hi! I’m Kim McCraw and I used to be one of the awesome booksellers you interact with at OTB. When I first moved to DC, Ally was just opening up OTB and I was between jobs. She took a chance on someone who had never worked in a bookstore before and brought me on as part of the team. After some amazing months at OTB full-time, I ended up transitioning back into a forensic job (which is what my background is in), but Ally was gracious enough to let me keep running the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club and I fill in for floor shifts when I can!

How did the Sci-fi/Fantasy Book Club come to be?

When I started working at OTB, Ally let me slowly build out the sci-fi and fantasy sections of the store. Fantasy and sci-fi stories have always been my favorite books to read and I was excited to bring both old favorites and new picks to the store. The Old Town Book(s) book club had started and read mainly literary fiction, but for October Ally suggested picking Gideon the Ninth, a new fantasy release that I was incredibly excited about. While it definitely wasn’t everyone's cup of tea, there was an overwhelming request for more picks like Gideon and enough interest to create another book club focusing on sci-fi and fantasy picks!

What's your process when it comes to making selections for the club? Which elements do you keep an eye out for?

I’ve been trying to hit all of the different subgenres that make up sci-fi and fantasy and mix in YA novels when I can so the club is reading broadly across the genres. I’ve also loved picking books by women and authors of color to support and promote their amazing works in genres that have historically been dominated by mostly cis-gendered white males.


What are your favorite types of Sci-fi/Fantasy stories and/or tropes?

I’m a sucker for a good space opera and if you add in elements of found families and a hint of romance I’m a goner. I also love complex magical systems, especially when the abilities and limitations of the system are explained well in the story.

Any stand-out Club memories you'd like to share?

I think my most memorable moment was getting a text in the middle of the night from one of the club members yelling at me for not warning them about a particular scene they had just gotten to in Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton. The club still jokes about it!

Where is your favorite place to read in Old Town?

When OTB was at its old location I enjoyed taking my breaks out by the water and getting in some pages.

What's your favorite Sci-fi/Fantasy Club pick of all time (so far)?

Hands down The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson - The writing and world-building totally blew me away and had me hooked from page one. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend picking it up!


What do you love about indie bookstores?

The communities they create! I’ve made so many wonderful friends I never would have met otherwise.

Any advice for readers who might be interested in the genre of sci-fi and/or fantasy, but aren't sure where to begin?

Dip a toe in rather than your whole body - fantasy and sci-fi can be overwhelming when you first start reading. The authors are creating whole new worlds you need to learn, so don’t start with a 800-page classic. Novellas are great introductions that show you the world without overwhelming. Ask your friends or local booksellers for some recommendations. I personally always recommend A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet to sci-fi newbies!

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

We would love to see you at the next sci-fi/fantasy meeting whether you’ve been reading the genres for years or are excited to start!

Blog and photo contributions by Kim McCraw.
Edited by Shannon McCarthy.